Picture of a Physician (Male) with Nurses (Females) wearing mask in an Imaging Room. There is a bed with a CT scan in the room
Imaging Services
Often times it's not easy for your physician to diagnose an illness. Sometimes a diagnosis can only be made after you undergo a specific test or procedure. We can help your physician in making a diagnosis with our vast array of diagnostic imaging services, all of which use the most current technology available. To contact us regarding imaging services call 270-866-4141 ext 137 or for the MRI Center call 270-866-9504 or 270-866-4141 ext 601
Whether it's as simple as an X-ray or as advanced as a CT scan, you can feel comfortable knowing that your physician has some of the best tools available to aid in diagnosing your illness.
Our highly-skilled technologists and other personnel provide quality services promptly in a comfortable environment. Board-certified radiologists assist your physician in making an early and accurate diagnosis, which is essential for the proper treatment of your illness.
General Radiography
This is an X-ray of any body part, including the head and neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, extremities and spine, that assists physicians in making a diagnosis.
Bone Densitometry. This special type of X-ray measures the calcium content in the bones and is useful for assessing an individual's risk for bone fractures. It is very low dose and can be used as a screening for osteoporosis or to monitor the positive effects of certain medications of done mineral density.
CT Scanning
CT Scanning. A CT scan is an X-ray procedure enhanced by a computer. It results in a cross-sectional view of a particular part of your body. Depending on the reasons for the CT Scan, contrast can be used to visualize blood flow.
state of the art GE helical scan for CT's of head & neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, extremities and spine
rapid CT scanning of chest for evaluation of pulmonary arteries
CT bone densitometry for osteoporosis
CT guided aspirations, biopsies, tube placements and drainage procedures
CT Angiography of the carotids, chest, abdomen, renals, lower extremities and aorta runoffs
Gastrointestinal Services
Gastrointestinal Services. This service involves X-rays of the G.I. system from swallowing to the stomach and colon.
upper GI series
barium enema
small bowel exams
placement of feeding tubes
detailed evaluation of swallowing function in conjunction with speech pathologist
gallbladder studies
Genitourinary Studies
Genitourinary Studies. This service looks at the various components of the urinary tract and other organs situated in the pelvic area.
intravenous urograms (IVP's)
voiding cystograms
retrograde urethrograms
CT of kidneys and pelvis to evaluate for kidney and urethral stones
Mammography Services
Mammography Services. We are very excited to be able to offer the newest technology for breast cancer detection, digital mammography. Digital mammography is different from conventional mammography in how the image of the breast is viewed. The radiologist can magnify the images, increase or decrease the contrast and invert the black and white values while reading the images. These features allow the radiologist to evaluate microcalcifications and focus on areas of concern.
Ultrasound Studies
Ultrasound Studies. This service looks at various organs using high frequency sound waves, not x-rays. This technique produces images that can be reviewed as part of the diagnostic process. It is a painless and quick procedure to evaluate body organs and track the progress of pregnancy.
studies of gallbladder, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, aorta and pelvis
carotid arteries for plaques and stenoses
lower extremity arteries for plaque and stenoses
upper and lower extremity veins for clots
evaluation of fluid in chest(effusion) and abdomen(ascites)
cardiac echo studies
ultrasound guided aspirations, biopsies and drainage procedures
Vascular and Interventional Studies
Vascular and Interventional Studies. This service specializes in complex vascular studies and treatments requiring the expertise of an advanced health care provider.
placement of PICC and central venous lines
treatment of blood clots on pulmonary arteries and legs with clot dissolving drugs
IVC filter placements for blood clots in legs
CT guided biopsy of masses (lung, liver, pancreas, kidney, pelvis, lymph nodes, etc.)
drainage of abnormal fluid collections and abscesses
epidural steroid injections, facet and neural foraminal blocks for back pain
myelograms (cervical, thoracic and lumbar) with CT myelograms
thoracentesis - removal of fluid from chest
paracentesis - removal of fluid (ascites) from abdoman
sialography - contrast study of salivary glands
hysterosalpingograms (study of uterus and tubes for fertility)
MRI Studies. MRI is an advanced medical imaging technique used in Radiology to visualize internal structures of the body in detail, more detailed images than possible with X-rays. MRI is especially useful in imaging the brain and muscles without causing radiation. Visit RCH MRI Center next to the Hospital where we placed the Hitachi Oval MRI equipment there. The wider opening allows for a greater degree of openness around the sides and may be a better option for claustrophobic patients. To Schedule an appt call (270)866-9504 or (270) 866-4141 ext 601
Frequently asked questions:
What can I expect during the exam?
When you enter the MRI area, a trained MRI technologist will help you get situated and comfortable. The technologist will explain the procedure and answer any questions you may have. The technologist will monitor the exam from the nearby control room. Throughout the exam, you will be able to communicate with the technologist.
How long will the exam take?
Depending on how many images are to be generated, a MRI exam generally takes 30 minutes to 1 hour.
How do I prepare for the exam?
In most cases, no special preparation is needed for your MRI exam.
Due to the magnetic power of the MRI, it is important that no metal of any kind be permitted in the exam room. It is recommended that you wear clothing without metal zippers, snaps or buttons.
Because some patients may have metal inside their bodies, please inform your technologist if you have:
a cardiac pacemaker
any type of metal plate, pin or metallic implant
an intrauterine device (IUD)
any metal fragments in your body
In some cases, patients with any of the above will be rescheduled for an alternate diagnostic imaging exam.
How will I get the results?
A radiologist will analyze and interpret the images from your exam and prepare a full report. This report will be faxed directly to your doctor who will share the results with you.
Nuclear Medicine Studies
Nuclear Medicine Studies. Nuclear Medicine is a subspecialty within the field of Radiology. This technology combines the use of computers, detectors, and radioactive substances. Nuclear medicine looks at both the physiology (function) and the anatomy of the body in establishing diagnosis and treatment.
Nuclear Medicine
Information & Frequently Asked Questions:
1. The Radiology/Imaging Department is open 24/7 hours a day. Three hundred sixty-five days a year. Certain exams do need scheduling. Please feel free to call with questions concerning which exams need scheduling or any other questions . (270) 866-4141 ext. 137
2. There will be a separate bill for the Radiologist's reading fee of your exam. Questions about the Radiologist Reading fees are not associate with the hospital billing department. The number for questions regarding charges is: 1-877-284-7696
3. Pre-certs are pre-certifications or pre-approval from your insurance company to perform the test. Certain tests require pre-certs. (CT Scans, Ultrasound Echoes, Nuclear Medicine Stress Tests) The ordering Physician's office obtains the Pre-Cert, not the Radiology Department.
4. Radiology reports are sent from the Medical Records Department to your Physician's office. If you have any questions regarding your report: the Medical Record Department hours are: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Central Time. (270) 866-4141 ext. 129/131
5. We will supply patients with a CD of their exam for physicians that are out of town. Local physicians have computer access to their patients' examinations (see Amicas PACS information below). RCH Imaging Use Amicas PACS (available to all local Physicians and some out of town Physicians) Amicas PACS downloads a reader App in order for a study to be viewed as if you were viewing it on actual work station. Some computers will not allow the reader to download. If CD will not load please call the RCH Radiology Department at (270) 866-4141 ext. 139
6. A doctor's orders must accompany all exams.
7. Most reports will be in the Physician's office within 48 hours (Certain exams take longer... please feel free to ask the technologist)
8. Exams involving IV (intravenous) contrast may require additional lab work... this may increase your total exam time.
9. CT Abdomen and Pelvis exams usually require oral contrast. After the first bottle is finished thirty minutes later a second bottle will be given to drink. Approximately thirty minutes after the second bottle is finished the CT scan will be given.
10. Periodically some delays may be encountered while you are waiting on your exam. Surgery patients, Emergency room patients, lab results, delay of pre-certs, or delay of the referring physicians order all factor into total exam time.
The Russell County Radiology/Imaging Department will make every effort to provide an efficient and caring experience for you.